G7 Summit
June 25, 2022
The G7 will set clear signals.,
25 June 2022

The G7 summit begins on Sunday in Schloss Elmau, the highlight of the German presidency. It “should send out a common signal from strong democracies that are aware of their global responsibility,” said Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz – a signal that is more important than ever, especially in these turbulent times.
Even before the meeting of the heads of state and government, one thing is certain: strong partners stand together in the G7 who are willing to use their unity to solve global problems – with concrete initiatives and partnerships for the climate, sustainable investments, global food security, global Health and resilient democracies.
“The G7 will clear signals for more climate protection, international cooperation and global solidarity.”
Chancellor Scholz on June 22, 2022
G7 agenda more urgent than ever
There is no question that the German G7 Presidency bears a special responsibility this year. Not least with a view to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which has moved to the center of the agenda. Solidarity and intensive cooperation are needed to cushion its far-reaching effects.
However, according to Chancellor Scholz, this war must not lead to “we, the G7, neglecting our responsibility for global challenges such as the climate crisis or the pandemic. On the contrary: Many of the goals that we set ourselves at the beginning of the year are becoming even more urgent given the changed world situation.”
“Progress for a Just World”
“Progress for a just world” – with this goal, Germany took over the presidency of the G7 at the beginning of the year and formulated five fields of action to guide the work of the G7 :
Progress for a just world – this goal should guide the work of the G7.
Of course, the G7 summit also dealt with the global consequences of the war in Ukraine: rising energy prices, scarce raw materials and the threat of global famine. Many countries in the south of the world are still struggling with the consequences of the pandemic.
“If we don’t succeed in supporting these countries in solidarity, then powers like Russia and China will take advantage of it,” warns Chancellor Scholz. The Federal Government, therefore, deliberately invited influential representatives of the Global South to Elmau.
The message from the G7 summit should go out “that the democracies of the world stand together in the fight against Putin’s imperialism. But also in the fight against hunger and poverty, against health crises and climate change”.
Chancellor Scholz on June 22, 2022
Signal for peace and democracy
A strong, rules-based international order is not achievable without solidarity and cooperation among the world’s democracies, including beyond the G7. Global partnerships and initiatives are needed to make real progress on the important challenges of the future world.
That’s why the G7 members in Elmau aren’t just keeping to themselves – Germany has invited five partner countries that stand for freedom and the rule of law to the summit: Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa. The heads of state and government of these countries will travel to the summit, and the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, will also take part virtually.
In addition to the partner countries, the following international organizations are taking part this year: the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA). The G7 Advisory Council on Equal Opportunities, GEAC for short, is also represented.
An ambitious summit program
Germany has already launched a number of initiatives during its presidency and wants to achieve the following results at the G7 summit:
- an alliance for global food security,
- a pact to combat future pandemics,
- an understanding among democracies to defend open societies,
- an open, cooperative climate club that promotes climate-friendly business and eliminates competitive disadvantages.
At their summit in Elmau, the G7 heads of state and government will meet in various working sessions to discuss the extensive agenda. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, the heads of state and government of the partner countries and the heads of international organizations are also involved.
Strong partners stand together in the G7, guided by shared values, interests and commitments.
Our 26th annual issue will be out in the next couple of months to review the G7 German Presidency. Stay tuned and go to Groupofnations.com for more information.