

Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Represented by

Linda Laura Sabbadini

Chair of the W20

She dealt in particular with women, well-being, poverty, discrimination, migrants, environment. At Istat she was central director of surveys on conditions and quality of life from 2001 to 2011, director of the department of social and environmental statistics from 2011 to 2016, and again central director from December 2019. She led the process of renewal of social and gender statistics, giving visibility in official statistics to categories such as women, young people, children, disabled, migrants, poor, homeless, elderly, homosexuals and to phenomena such as violence against women, discrimination against sexual orientation, poverty, bullying, mobbing, and corruption. She directed the process of constructing the indicators of equitable and sustainable well-being beyond GDP at the national level, also contributing to the debate at the international level at scientific conferences of the UN, Eurostat and OECD. She participated in the National Equality Commission as an expert and was a member of the Poverty Commission (CIES). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the PBO Parliamentary Budget Office. In 2020 she was appointed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the committee of experts in economic and social matters coordinated by Victorio Colao. She has been responsible for numerous Istat research projects with Italian universities and research bodies in the field of social and gender analysis and in the field of survey methodology. In 2015 it was included in the publication on the 100 Italian Excellence. Since 2016 she has been a columnist for La Stampa, publishing contributions on social, gender, generational and territorial inequalities. She has always combined his scientific activity with an intense cooperation activity with associations and the world of NGOs. From 27 April 2020, she is a columnist for the newspaper La Repubblica. She is the author of more than 100 scientific publications.